Changelog - November

Changelog - November
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We are excited to share a series of updates and new features that have been rolled out to enhance the functionality and user experience of our Vital platform. These updates focus on security enhancements, integration expansions, and improvements across our SDKs.

Introducing Vital Sign-In Tokens

We are thrilled to announce the introduction of Vital Sign-In Tokens for our mobile SDKs. This new feature ensures that your API keys are maintained as server-side secrets, thereby bolstering the security of your production mobile applications. More information can be found in our detailed guide on Vital Sign-In Tokens.

New Integrations and Features

  • Omron and Kardia Integrations: Beta versions of our new integrations with Omron and Kardia are now available in the Sandbox environment, allowing for the testing and integration of these services within your applications.
  • Enhanced Google Fit Integration: We have expanded our Google Fit integration to include time series data for blood pressure and heart rate, offering more comprehensive health tracking capabilities.

API and SDK Enhancements

  • User Resource Introspection API: This new API provides detailed insights into all provider connections and resources collected for users in your team, simplifying the diagnosis of connection issues. You can access it here.
  • ETL Pipelines: For our enterprise customers, the ETL Pipelines integration now supports event type allowlisting and the ability to push historical data as* events.
  • Automated SDK Generation: All of our SDKs are now automatically generated based on our Openapi specification, starting with the latest releases. This update includes new SDKs for Java and Go, enhancing our support for a wider range of programming environments.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Data Model and API Fixes: We have addressed issues with incorrect data model definitions in our SDKs and have made significant fixes to the handling of historical data pull completion events.
  • Sleep and Health Data Enhancements: Sleep summaries from Oura now include the Sleep Score, and blood oxygen values from Apple HealthKit are now correctly ranged.

Policy Updates

  • Soft-Deletion Policy: User deletions now include a grace period of seven days, during which deleted users can potentially be restored upon request. This change is designed to provide flexibility and prevent accidental data loss.

Future Changes to Note

  • API Path Handling: Starting on February 7, 2024, Vital will reject API paths with trailing slashes to standardize API requests and ensure consistency across our platform.

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