Changelog - March

Changelog - March
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We’re excited to share a comprehensive update on the recent improvements and fixes made to the Vital platform in March. These updates focus on enhancing our services' efficiency, functionality, and user experience across various aspects of our offerings.

Lab Operations and Dashboard Enhancements

  • Improved Lab Order Cancellation: We have optimized lab order cancellations by transitioning the bulk of cancellation operations to an asynchronous flow. This update ensures that cancellations are not hindered by provider issues, addressing a longstanding challenge in our process.
  • Dashboard Visibility Enhancements: Enhancements to our dashboard now allow users to view biomarker and result slugs directly under test catalog details. Additionally, phlebotomy appointment links have been made visible under order details, streamlining the management and access to these resources.
  • PDF Download Speed: We have addressed and fixed an issue where downloading PDFs could take upwards of 60 seconds, significantly improving the speed and responsiveness of this function.

Mobile SDK and Integration Updates

  • Omron Integration and Webhook Enhancements: A previously identified bug that prevented successful token refresh in Omron’s integration has been fixed. Additionally, all webhook events now include team_id, user_id, and client_user_id at the root object level, enhancing data consistency and tracking.

API and Backend SDK Improvements

  • Conflict Management: The User Creation (POST /v2/user) API now properly handles conflicts, responding with a 409 Conflict status if the specified client_user_id is already in use, and providing the conflicting Vital User ID in the error response.
  • Grouped Timeseries and Connection Error Fixes: Various fixes have been implemented, including corrections to the handling of Grouped Timeseries queries in the backend SDKs and an issue with Vital Link selecting incorrect redirect URLs on connection errors.

Mobile SDK Specific Fixes

  • Activity Data Ingestion: Changes have been made regarding the ingestion of Apple HealthKit activity data on older Mobile SDK versions. This affects iOS SDK versions below 0.9.0, Flutter SDK versions below 1.5.0, and React Native SDK versions below 1.4.0, where other data types remain unaffected.
  • HealthKit Data Sync: A regression that may disrupt HealthKit data sync after an iPhone reboot has been addressed. The data sync is expected to recover on the first app launch after unlocking, continuing until the next reboot.
  • Flutter SDK Interoperability: A bug in the Flutter SDK that caused crashes when reading Sleep resources locally has been resolved, ensuring smoother operation and stability.

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